Dimi Tech

Re: How well do you know Node.js?

14 Jan 2017

So, the other day I ran across a blog post called How well do you know Node.js? I wrote my answers to these questions in this post. You might find them useful in reviewing or upgrading your Node.js chops.

Tip: In order to get most out of these answers - try out all of the examples and see the behaviour yourself.

Notice: The article is prone to changes so I’ve copied the list of questions that were in the blog post at the time of writing this article.

Let’s get on with it:


  1. How come when you declare a global variable in any Node.js file it’s not really global to all modules?
  2. When exporting the API of a Node module, why can we sometimes use exports and other times we have to use module.exports?
  3. Can we require local files without using relative paths?
  4. What is the Event Loop? Is it part of V8?
  5. What is the Call Stack? Is it part of V8?
  6. What is the difference between setImmediate and process.nextTick?
  7. How do you make an asynchronous function return a value?
  8. Can callbacks be used with promises or is it one way or the other?
  9. What are the major differences between spawn, exec, and fork?
  10. How does the cluster module work? How is it different than using a load balancer?
  11. What are the –harmony-* flags?
  12. How can you read and inspect the memory usage of a Node.js process?
  13. Can reverse-search in commands history be used inside Node’s REPL?
  14. What are V8 object and function templates?
  15. What is libuv and how does Node.js use it?
  16. How can you make Node’s REPL always use JavaScript strict mode?
  17. How can we do one final operation before a Node process exits? Can that operation be done asynchronously?
  18. Besides V8 and libuv, what other external dependencies does Node have?
  19. What’s the problem with the process uncaughtException event? How is it different than the exit event?
  20. Do Node buffers use V8 memory? Can they be resized?
  21. What’s the difference between Buffer.alloc and Buffer.allocUnsafe?
  22. How is the slice method on buffers different from that on arrays?
  23. What is the string_decoder module useful for? How is it different than casting buffers to strings?
  24. What are the 5 major steps that the require function does?
  25. What is the require.resolve function and what is it useful for?
  26. What is the main property in package.json useful for?
  27. What are circular modular dependencies in Node and how can they be avoided?
  28. What are the 3 file extensions that will be automatically tried by the require function?
  29. When creating an http server and writing a response for a request, why is the end() function required?
  30. When is it ok to use the file system *Sync methods?
  31. How can you print only one level of a deeply nested object?
  32. What is the node-gyp package used for?
  33. The objects exports, require, and module are all globally available in every module but they are different in every module. How?
  34. How can a module be both requirable by other modules and executable directly using the node command?
  35. What’s an example of a built-in stream in Node that is both readable and writable?
  36. What’s the difference between using event emitters and using simple callback functions to allow for asynchronous handling of code?
  37. The require function always caches the module it requires. What can you do if you need to execute the code in a required module many times?
  38. What’s the difference between the Paused and the Flowing modes of readable streams?
  39. What does the –inspect argument do for the node command?
  40. When working with streams, when do you use the pipe function and when do you use events? Can those two methods be combined?

1. How come when you declare a global variable in any Node.js file it’s not really global to all modules?

Browser JavaScript:

When you declare a JavaScript variable in a browser environment (outside of any functions), that variable implicitly becomes global.

What that means is that the variable becomes available anywhere in your JavaScript code.

When you declare a global variable in the browser, that variable becomes the property of the window global object.

This example illustrates that behavior:

/* Run this code in your browser console. */
var globalVar = 'global variable'

console.log(globalVar)        // Output: 'global variable'.
console.log(window.globalVar) // Output: 'global variable'.

Node.js JavaScript:

In the Node.js environment, we don’t have a window global variable (since there is no window, duh) but we have global.

You can think of the global object in the same way you think about window. Its properties are global, publicly available values.

/* Run this code in your Node.js REPL terminal. */
var globalVar = 'global variable'

console.log(globalVar)        // Output: 'global variable'.
console.log(global.globalVar) // Output: 'global variable'.

Where it gets tricky is when you declare a global variable inside a .js file.

Node.js uses the CommonJS module system.

Every JavaScript file in the Node.js world is considered a module and therefore all of the variables that are global to a single file are not visible in other files (modules).

To test this behavior, create a new project folder and inside that folder create 2 files - file1.js and file2.js (creative, I know).

Put the following code inside those files:

 * file1.js
var globalVar = 'global variable'

console.log(globalVar)                      // Output: 'global variable'.
console.log(global.globalVar === undefined) // Output: true.

 * file2.js
try {
  console.log(globalVar) // Throws an exception since `globalVar` is not defined.
} catch(err) {
  console.dir(err.name === 'ReferenceError') // Output: true.

console.log(global.globalVar === undefined) // Output: true.

cd into your project folder and run the first file: node file1.

What we see happen here is that the global variable globalVar does not get attached to the global object in the first place and therefore is not global and other modules can’t see it.

This is a good thing, since global namespace pollution tends to be a big problem in programming (that’s why people hate on PHP).

If you explicitly need to declare a global variable, attach the value to the global object and it will be accessible from anywhere.

Helpful resources:

2. When exporting the API of a Node module, why can we sometimes use exports and other times we have to use module.exports?

First let’s understand what module, exports and module.exports are. They are all properties of the Node’s global object.

The Node.js runtime environment has some global variables that are always available just as the browser does (browser has window and its properties like location, document, console…).

Open up your Node REPL and try accessing the following variables:

/* Type this code in your Node.js REPL terminal line by line 
   and observe the output. */
global // Enter.

process                    // Enter.
global.process === process // Output: true.

module                   // Enter.
global.module === module // Output: true.

module.exports                           // Enter.
global.module.exports === module.exports // Output: true.

The global object is the Node’s global variable and all of the variables below it are its properties.

But what happens inside files? Let’s figure it out, create and run the following file:

 *  module_test.js - Node module API test.
console.dir(this)    // Output: {}
console.dir(exports) // Output: {}
console.dir(module.exports === exports) // Output: true
console.dir(module.exports === this)    // Output: true

Interesting. We come to a conclusion that, inside of a file, this, exports and module.exports are pointing to the same memory address. They are the same object!

Now, to answer the question, when do we use exports and when module.exports?

The exports object, that resides inside of every Node module (file), is the module’s API (public interface).

Every property that we attach on to it becomes publicly accessible to other modules.

We want to use the exports variable as a shorthand for module.exports.

Let’s consider a situation where we want our public API to contain 3 methods. We could achieve that in multiple ways (there’s probably even more than this):

 *  module_test2.js - Node module API test 2.
module.exports.methodOne   = () => { console.log('whatever 1') }
module.exports.methodTwo   = () => { console.log('whatever 2') }
module.exports.methodThree = () => { console.log('whatever 3') }

// or:

exports.methodTwo   = () => { console.log('whatever 2') }
exports.methodOne   = () => { console.log('whatever 1') }
exports.methodThree = () => { console.log('whatever 3') }

// or:

this.methodTwo   = () => { console.log('whatever 2') }
this.methodOne   = () => { console.log('whatever 1') }
this.methodThree = () => { console.log('whatever 3') }

// or:

module.exports = {
  methodOne()   { console.log('whatever 1') },
  methodTwo()   { console.log('whatever 2') },
  methodThree() { console.log('whatever 3') }

// These two API definitions fail to get exported.

// Fails.
exports = {
  methodOne()   { console.log('whatever 1') },
  methodTwo()   { console.log('whatever 2') },
  methodThree() { console.log('whatever 3') }

// Fails.
this = {
  methodOne()   { console.log('whatever 1') },
  methodTwo()   { console.log('whatever 2') },
  methodThree() { console.log('whatever 3') }

// etc. etc... 

So exports is used when we want our API to expose multiple values (functions, objects, strings… whatever). We declare those values as separate properties of the exports object.

module.exports is used when we want to export only a single value (which can be an object containing other values, a function, a number … any JavaScript value).

You might be wondering why are the last two APIs failing to get exposed? The answer lies in the way that the CommonJS module system works.

Imagine your every Node file (module) being a function and having these invisible lines of code at the beginning and the end of them:

function testModule() {
  var exports = module.exports = {}
  // ...
  // Your module code...
  // ...
  return module.exports

It’s only natural that then, if you make exports point to another value, it gets compeletely ignored and module.exports gets returned.

exports is just a helpful pointer to module.exports.

If you want to learn more about this behavior, dig deeper into CommonJS modules.

3. Can we require local files without using relative paths?

There are two ways (that I’m familiar with) to require local files:

// `require`-ing a module using the relative path.
let testModule = require('./test-module.js')

// `require`-ing a module using the absolute path.
let testModuleAgain = require('/home/dimi/Desktop/test-module.js')

Relative paths are way more clean and readable but we also have the absolute path option if it’s necessary.

The cleaner way to use absolute paths is:

// `require`-ing a module using the absolute path and the `path` native module.
let path       = require('path')
let testModule = require(path.join(__dirname, 'test-module.js'))

Can we require local files without using relative paths? - the answer is YES.

4. What is the Event Loop? Is it part of V8?

To avoid copy-pasting, I’ll forward you to the official documentation:


Even though Node.js is built on top of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the event loop itself is NOT a part of the V8 engine. The event loop is provided to Node.js by its C dependency called libuv:

It could be probably made to work on SpiderMonkey or some other JS engine but currently, as far as I know, it only works on V8.

https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/master/deps/uv https://nikhilm.github.io/uvbook/

Instead of explaining the event loop myself in a blog post, I will point you to a couple of much better learning resources.

5. What is the Call Stack? Is it part of V8?

JavaScript’s call stack is no different than any different than the call stack in any other popular programming language. It’s just a LIFO (Last In, First Out) stack data structure onto which we push function calls, which get popped off the stack after they return.

Having too many “frames” on the stack causes the infamous Stack Overflow:

(function overflow() {

// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

The important thing to know is that Node.js is “async-first”, meaning that most of the Node.js interfaces will be asynchronous in nature. We pass some sort of callback functions into these async calls, and those functions are not pushed to the stack immediately. After the callbacks are ready to be fired - the event loop will push them (along with their data) onto the stack.

To answer the second question - is the Call Stack a part of the V8 engine? YES.

How do you know?

Proof #1 - if you run:

node --v8-options

… you will see quite a bit of options available, including the stack-related ones such as --stack_size, --stack_trace_limit, etc…

Proof #2 - https://github.com/v8/v8/wiki/Stack-Trace-API

If you’re good with C++ you can dive into the v8 source code and see the implementation for yourself: https://github.com/v8/v8


6. What is the difference between setImmediate and process.nextTick?

The answer is somewhat contrived so I recommend watching all of the videos listed at the end of the What is the Event Loop? Is it part of V8? answer.

The simplistic answer would be:

process.nextTick() will fire “immediately”, while setImmediate() will fire after it (even though their names suggest otherwise).

I strongly recommend reading this official Node.js documentation piece:


7. How do you make an asynchronous function return a value?

Through Callback arguments or Promise return values. Those are the only 2 building blocks available in the language itself.

8. Can callbacks be used with promises or is it one way or the other?

Callbacks are lower level abstractions than Promises. You can certainly use them together but I would advise against doing so if at all possible.

Node 8 introduced util.promisify() which can be handy for converting a Callback based function into a Promise based one.

9. What are the major differences between spawn, exec, and fork?

Each one is suitable for a different set of tasks. exec and fork are implemented on top of spawn and they exist to provide a more specialized interface to the user.

spawn is the most general child-process creation mechanism in Node.js, with pipes for stdin, stdout, and stderr automatically established between the Node.js program and it’s spawned child process. The spawned process can be ran in a subshell but by default - it’s not. Good for creating processes which produce streams of data.

exec is well suited for for spawning processes in a subshell which run to completion and return the result after the child process terminates. Good for invoking shell commands. There is a slight performance penalty of having to create a subshell. Also beware of the security risks of running arbitrary shell commands using exec.

fork is used specifically to spawn new Node.js processes. The created child process will have an additional IPC (Inter-process communication) channel built-in that allows messages to be passed back and forth between the parent and child. fork is great for offloading data handling, heavy computation, “clustering”, etc…

Here’s how processes created by spawn, exec and fork look like in the Linux process tree:

Regular Node.js process (no child processes):

|-node-+-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]
|      `-{node}`


|      |-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]
|      `-{node}

The ping command is spawned.


|      |-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]
|      `-{node}

Here we can clearly see the subshell that’s created on the fly by exec (sh), and the command that is running inside it (sleep).


|-node-+-nodejs-+-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]
|      |        `-{nodejs}
|      |-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]
|      `-{node}

Here we can clearly see how fork created a new Node.js child process.

Useful links

For more details I would recommend the official Node.js documentation:

More on IPC:

Great blog post on the subject:

10. How does the cluster module work? How is it different than using a load balancer?

By default Node.js uses a single CPU core, which is not that fast or efficient. The cluster module “spreads” a Node.js program across many CPU cores by creating a child process for each core (if you choose so). This greatly improves the capacity of the application running on a single machine.

Here’s how a Node.js cluster on an 8-core CPU looks like in the Linux process tree:

|-node-+-8*[nodejs-+-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]]
|      |           `-{nodejs}]
|      |-4*[{V8 WorkerThread}]
|      `-{node}

A load balancer usually runs on a separate machine and (both Layer 4 and Layer 7 load balancers) are slower because of the fact that they are communicating with the applications via the network.

The main difference is that cluster utilizes and leverages multiple CPUs on a single machine while load balancers leverage copies of the same application running on multiple machines.

That being said, clustering is a vertical scaling and load balancing is more of a horizontal scaling technique. Vertical scaling can only go as far as hardware allows it while horizontal scaling can go much, much further. A combination of both can be deployed as well.

In a cloud-native, Docker based infrastructure, clustering is unnecessary since we are most likely running each application inside a container, running on a single-core VM. In this case - horizontal scaling can be achieved using Docker Swarm or Kubernetes clustering features.

Node.js Cluster documentation:

11. What are the --harmony-* flags?

Node.js runs on modern versions of V8 by default, and new ECMAScript features are being brought in V8 all the time.

You can see which version of V8 your Node.js installation uses by running:

$ node -p 'process.versions.v8'

--harmony is a Node.js runtime flag which enables staged ECMAScript features to be used in the Node.js application.

There are a whole lot of --harmony_* flags as well, which enable single in progress ECMAScript features to be used in Node.js. You can get a list of those by running node --v8-options | grep "in progress"

Here are the available --harmony_* flags at the moment of writing this blog post:

$ node --v8-options | grep "in progress"
--harmony_array_prototype_values (enable "harmony Array.prototype.values" (in progress))
--harmony_function_sent (enable "harmony function.sent" (in progress))
--harmony_sharedarraybuffer (enable "harmony sharedarraybuffer" (in progress))
--harmony_simd (enable "harmony simd" (in progress))
--harmony_do_expressions (enable "harmony do-expressions" (in progress))
--harmony_restrictive_generators (enable "harmony restrictions on generator declarations" (in progress))
--harmony_regexp_named_captures (enable "harmony regexp named captures" (in progress))
--harmony_regexp_property (enable "harmony unicode regexp property classes" (in progress))
--harmony_for_in (enable "harmony for-in syntax" (in progress))
--harmony_trailing_commas (enable "harmony trailing commas in function parameter lists" (in progress))
--harmony_class_fields (enable "harmony public fields in class literals" (in progress))

I would avoid using --harmony flags in production. They should just be used to play around with upcoming language features.

The best reference regarding --harmony flags:

12. How can you read and inspect the memory usage of a Node.js process?

12.1 Using Linux top

Since I love simplicity - let’s start with what we already have in UNIX, the top command.

Let’s first create a test Node.js program that will run for a long time:

$ cat << _EOF_ >> ./test.js
let i = 0
setInterval(() => {
  console.log('i:', i)
}, 1000)
$ node test.js

If you are on Linux, you could perform simple monitoring manually using top:

# Find your Node.js PID
$ ps aux | grep 'node test.js' | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2

# Then feed it to `top`
$ top -p 9268

# Both commands can be ran in a single line like this:
top -p $(ps aux | grep 'node test.js' | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

The relevant top output might look something like this:

9268 dimi      20   0  562964  27844  23320 S   0.3  0.3   0:00.09 node

We’re interested in the RES value, which is the physical memory that the task is using (in KiB). In this case it’s 26,844 KiB (27488.256 KB), so our Node.js process is using roughly 27 MB of physical memory at that certain point in time.

> Difference between KiB and KB

12.2 Using process.memoryUsage()

Node’s global process object has a .memoryUsage() function you can use to get more segmented view into your program’s memory usage:


/* Example output:
  rss: 29405184,
  heapTotal: 5799936,
  heapUsed: 2982200,
  external: 774256

You can find more info about this function in the process API Docs.

12.3 Using Chrome DevTools for Node.js

DevTools are helpful when you need to dig deeper, i.e. when you’ve realized that a memory leak exists but not sure what’s causing it.

Before running DevTools first run node with the --inspect flag:

$ node --inspect test.js

Now that you have a debugging handle on our Node.js process open up Chrome and enter chrome://inspect in the URL bar. There you will see your target process and when you press inspect the DevTools will pop up:

Chrome DevTools Screenshot

To inspect the heap portion of your memory (which is the important one if you are looking for memory leaks) go to the Memory tab and create a Heap Snapshot. The result is going to look something like this:

Heap Snapshot

The heap snapshot is large and complex but if you know your program really well you should be able to realize what’s happening. You can also sample memory usage over time (Record Allocation Timeline) in order to get more insight.

DevTools have quite a bit of useful functionalities so I encourage you to explore them if you need to. There is also a Chrome Extension called NIM (Node Inspector Manager) that might improve your workflow. Also keep in mind that you’re better off running Chrome (and its DevTools) on Windows or MacOX since there it offers the full set of features unlike on Linux.

Those were a couple of ways that you can inspect your program’s memory usage but there are many more, and more are being developed. Feel free to explore and find what you need/like.

13. Can reverse-search in commands history be used inside Node’s REPL?

Out of the box - no.

14. What are V8 object and function templates?

Simply put - v8::ObjectTemplate and v8::FunctionTemplate are used to make C++ Objects/Functions available in JavaScript code.

For example, Google Chrome uses templates to wrap C++ DOM nodes as JavaScript objects and to install functions in the global namespace.

I recommend reading the v8 dev doc section on templates, as well as that entire Getting started guide: https://v8.dev/docs/embed#templates

15. What is libuv and how does Node.js use it?

libuv is a C library that provides Node.js with its async I/O capabilities - everything from networking to filesystem access. It is of crucial significance to Node.

libuv contributors have even made some YouTube videos:

Also, Ryan Dahl has done a tutorial on it a couple of years ago, I highly recommend watching it:

using libuv and http-parser to build a webserver from ry on Vimeo.

16. How can you make Node’s REPL always use JavaScript strict mode?

Just run the REPL with the --use_strict flag:

$ node --use_strict
> foo = 3
ReferenceError: foo is not defined

17. How can we do one final operation before a Node process exits? Can that operation be done asynchronously?

A Node.js process exits if:

  1. The event loop is emptied out and has no more work to do.
  2. process.exit() was called.

In either case the global process object will receive an 'exit' event where you can do some synchronous work. Here is a simple example:

process.on('exit', () => {
process.stdout.write(' there!\n')

/* Output:
Hello there!

The code in the ‘exit’ event callback can only be synchronous, otherwise it will not work correctly:

process.on('exit', () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0)
process.stdout.write(' there!\n')

/* Output:
Hello there!

In order to perform async work you should use the beforeExit event:

process.on('beforeExit', () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0)
process.stdout.write(' there!\n')

/* Output:
Hello there!

18. Besides V8 and libuv, what other external dependencies does Node have?

Since Node.js is open-source we can view its GitHub repository and see the dependencies there.

At the time of this writing - the deps/ directory contains most of the static libraries which Node depends on:

$ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git
$ cd node/
$ ls -alhF deps/
total 68K
drwxrwxr-x 17 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 ./
drwxrwxr-x 11 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 ../
drwxrwxr-x  4 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 acorn/
drwxrwxr-x  8 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 acorn-plugins/
drwxrwxr-x  3 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 brotli/
drwxrwxr-x  5 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 cares/
drwxrwxr-x  3 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 histogram/
drwxrwxr-x  3 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 http_parser/
drwxrwxr-x  3 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 icu-small/
drwxrwxr-x  4 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 llhttp/
drwxrwxr-x  3 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 nghttp2/
drwxrwxr-x  6 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 node-inspect/
drwxrwxr-x 11 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 npm/
drwxrwxr-x  4 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 openssl/
drwxrwxr-x 10 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 uv/
drwxrwxr-x 16 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 v8/
drwxrwxr-x 14 xxx xxx 4.0K Jun 10 12:21 zlib/

We can get even more information if we peek into the LICENSE file, where Node’s dependency licenses are listed:

The externally maintained libraries used by Node.js are:

- Acorn, located at deps/acorn, is licensed as follows: ...
- Acorn plugins, located at deps/acorn-plugins, is licensed as follows: ...
- c-ares, located at deps/cares, is licensed as follows: ...
- HTTP Parser, located at deps/http_parser, is licensed as follows: ...
- ICU, located at deps/icu-small, is licensed as follows: ...
- libuv, located at deps/uv, is licensed as follows: ...
- llhttp, located at deps/llhttp, is licensed as follows: ...
- OpenSSL, located at deps/openssl, is licensed as follows: ...
- Punycode.js, located at lib/punycode.js, is licensed as follows: ...
- V8, located at deps/v8, is licensed as follows: ...
- SipHash, located at deps/v8/src/third_party/siphash, is licensed as follows: ...
- zlib, located at deps/zlib, is licensed as follows: ...
- npm, located at deps/npm, is licensed as follows: ...
- GYP, located at tools/gyp, is licensed as follows: ...
- jinja2, located at tools/inspector_protocol/jinja2, is licensed as follows: ...
- markupsafe, located at tools/inspector_protocol/markupsafe, is licensed as follows: ...
- cpplint.py, located at tools/cpplint.py, is licensed as follows: ...
- ESLint, located at tools/node_modules/eslint, is licensed as follows: ...
- babel-eslint, located at tools/node_modules/babel-eslint, is licensed as follows: ...
- gtest, located at test/cctest/gtest, is licensed as follows: ...
- nghttp2, located at deps/nghttp2, is licensed as follows: ...
- node-inspect, located at deps/node-inspect, is licensed as follows: ...
- large_pages, located at src/large_pages, is licensed as follows: ...
- caja, located at lib/internal/freeze_intrinsics.js, is licensed as follows: ...
- brotli, located at deps/brotli, is licensed as follows: ...
- HdrHistogram, located at deps/histogram, is licensed as follows: ...
- node-heapdump, located at src/heap_utils.cc, is licensed as follows: ...

You can also dig deeper if you’re interested but these were the most important ones.

19. What’s the problem with the process uncaughtException event? How is it different than the exit event?

The uncaughtException event callback can be used as a global error handler. It might seem useful since it prevents the process from crashing when unhandled errors occur. I prefer to crash hard and fix the problems at the cause.

Therefore, I recommend using ‘uncaughtException’ sparingly, if at all. You should handle your errors locally - at the place where you expect them to be thrown.

2 major problems with using ‘uncaughtException’:

The documentation offers great advice:

The correct use of ‘uncaughtException’ is to perform synchronous cleanup of allocated resources (e.g. file descriptors, handles, etc) before shutting down the process. It is not safe to resume normal operation after ‘uncaughtException’.

When the ‘exit’ event is emitted the application is toast, you can’t save it from exiting or restart it. You can do async work, restart or keep the app running in the ‘uncaughtException’ handler, and that’s the difference. Also the ‘exit’ event is fired after ‘uncaughtException’.

If you’re tempted to restart the application after a ‘uncaughtException’, do not. Use supervisor, pm2, nodemon or whatever other tool instead:

To restart a crashed application in a more reliable way, whether ‘uncaughtException’ is emitted or not, an external monitor should be employed in a separate process to detect application failures and recover or restart as needed.

20. Do Node buffers use V8 memory? Can they be resized?

The documentation states that Buffers do not use V8 memory:

Instances of the Buffer class … correspond to fixed-sized, raw memory allocations outside the V8 heap.

It also says that the Buffer size cannot be changed:

The size of the Buffer is established when it is created and cannot be changed.

21. What’s the difference between Buffer.alloc and Buffer.allocUnsafe?

Buffer.alloc() allocates a memory block and fills that memory with 0x00 or user-defined data.

Buffer.allocUnsafe() also allocates a memory block but does not fill it with data. The contents of the Buffer that was created this way are unknown and might contain old data. Buffer.allocUnsafe() is faster than Buffer.alloc() and the cost is that the newly created Buffer might contain undefined, and possibly sensitive Buffer content.

The documentation covers this pretty well.

22. How is the slice method on buffers different from that on arrays?

String.slice() returns the slice as a new string instance, leaving the original intact:

var original = '123456789'
var slice = original.slice(0, 3)


/* Output:

buf.slice() returns a new buffer that points to the same memory as the original buffer:

var original = Buffer.from('123456789')
var slice = original.slice(0, 3)

console.log('slice:', slice)
console.log('original:', original)

/* Output:
slice:    <Buffer 31 32 33>
original: <Buffer 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39>

// If we change the slice, the original is changed as well.
slice[0] = 0x00
slice[1] = 0x00
slice[2] = 0x00

console.log('slice:', slice)
console.log('original:', original)

/* Output:
slice:    <Buffer 00 00 00>
original: <Buffer 00 00 00 34 35 36 37 38 39>

Simply put - String.slice() is immutable, buf.slice() is mutable.

The documentation explains it really well too.

23. What is the string_decoder module useful for? How is it different than casting buffers to strings?

According to the documentation String Decoder should be useful for converting Buffers to Strings while preserving encoded multi-byte UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters.

But by testing it with a simple program it does not seem to differ from Buffer.toString() at all, even with special UTF-8 characters:

const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder')
const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8')

const cent = Buffer.from([0xC2, 0xA2])
console.log(cent.toString() === decoder.write(cent))

const euro = Buffer.from([0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC])
console.log(euro.toString() === decoder.write(euro))

/* Output:

string_decoder becomes useful when the program is receiving a stream of bytes. The euro symbol consists of 3 bytes: 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC. When we individually write those to the sting_decoder it will wait until the actual ‘utf-8’ character is formed. Let’s simulate receiving 3 bytes as buffer chunks and then write them individually to the string_decoder:

const EventEmitter = require('events')
const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder')
const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8')

class ByteEmitter extends EventEmitter {}

const byteEmitter = new ByteEmitter()

byteEmitter.on('data', chunk => {
  const buffer = Buffer.from([chunk])

const euro = [0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC]
byteEmitter.emit('data', euro[0])
byteEmitter.emit('data', euro[1])
byteEmitter.emit('data', euro[2])

/* Output:



We can see that the individual Buffers don’t make sense as printable characters when constructed from individual byte chunks. string_decoder expects a ‘utf-8’ character and only forms a printable character when all the necessary bytes arrive.

24. What are the 5 major steps that the require function does?

Node.js uses a module system called CommonJS. In the world of CommonJS, every source code file is a module. Node.js (CommonJS) modules are basically singletons with certain functions and properties attached to each them (require(), module, exports…).

The require() function loads a module at the given file path. It returns that module’s exports property.

We can read the Node.js module system source code and figure out what it does. It is located in lib/module.js.

As we can see by analyzing the source, require() wraps the _load() function which performs the following steps:

  1. Check the cache for the requested (required) file.
  2. If a module already exists in the cache: return its exports object.
  3. If the module is native: call NativeModule.require() with the filename and return the result.
  4. Otherwise, create a new module for the file and save it to the cache.
  5. Then have it load the file contents before returning its exports object.

25. What is the require.resolve function and what is it useful for?

As written in the documentation:

`require.resolve(request[, options]) uses the internal require() machinery to look up the location of a module, but rather than loading the module, just return the resolved filename.

require.resolve() might be useful for debugging or if you want to get a path string to a module without typing it out explicitly.

26. What is the main property in package.json useful for?

The "main" property of package.json points to the file that is the entry point to the Node.js application (or package). Unless you are publishing your package to NPM or another package registry the “main” property is just informative but not functionally useful.

27. What are circular modular dependencies in Node and how can they be avoided?

The biggest indicator that you have a circular dependency in Node.js is if you keep getting an empty object {} instead of your required module!

This happened to me once while creating a Rock, Paper, Scissors game, where the circular dependency was obvious: Rock > Scissors > Paper > Rock....

It still took me a couple of minutes to figure out what was wrong since this is a really rare situation to get yourself in while using Node. Node.js permits circular dependencies and it’s rare to get into problems but you should still be very careful. Circular dependencies are also an indicator that you possibly have a design problem, so take a closer look at your code.

If you really can’t untangle circular dependencies in your code then you can export your module first and then require the dependencies second (lexically).

Laurent Perrin explained it really well in his blog post: Circular dependencies in node.js.

28. What are the 3 file extensions that will be automatically tried by the require function?

Looking at the lib/module.js source, it reveals the file extensions that the require() function tries to resolve:

  1. .js
  2. .json
  3. .node

29. When creating an http server and writing a response for a request, why is the end() function required?

Here is what the docs have to say about res.end() in the context of a HTTP Server:

This method signals to the server that all of the response headers and body have been sent; that server should consider this message complete. The method, response.end(), MUST be called on each response.

Simple enough, but let’s dive deeper.

Node.js HTTP server implementation tries really hard to never buffer entire requests or responses but instead it prefers to stream them to the client. Streaming offers greater performance and reduces the server’s memory footprint.

Because we are streaming the response back to the client, res.end() needs to be called manually in order to close the connection socket and therefore end the response stream.

30. When is it ok to use the file system *Sync methods?

Blocking (*Sync) operations are best to be avoided in Node.js but sometimes they can be more convenient and even necessary. From my experience you can freely use *Sync calls when:

  1. The order of blocking operations is important.
  2. The blocking operation is performed only once (or a couple of times max) in the entire lifecycle of the application.

31. How can you print only one level of a deeply nested object?

Using util.inspect() you can specify the logging depth:

const util = require('util')

const exampleObject = {
  first : 'John',
  last  : 'Doe',
  company : {
    address : 'Example St.',
    IBAN    : 'XXX-XXX',

console.log(utsl.inspect(exampleObject, { depth: 1 }))
/* Output:
  first: 'John',
  last: 'Doe',
  company: { address: 'Example St.', IBAN: 'XXX-XXX' }

console.log(util.inspect(exampleObject, { depth: 0 }))
/* Output:
{ first: 'John', last: 'Doe', company: [Object] }

32. What is the node-gyp package used for?

Taken from the node-gyp README:

node-gyp is a cross-platform command-line tool written in Node.js for compiling native addon modules for Node.js. It bundles the gyp project used by the Chromium team and takes away the pain of dealing with the various differences in build platforms.

Node.js Native Addons are written in C/C++ and need to be compiled using node-gyp in order to be used on your machine (platform).

33. The objects exports, require, and module are all globally available in every module but they are different in every module. How?

Every Node.js file is implicitly a CommonJS module. What happens under the hood is that every file gets wrapped in a function (by the Node module system) and exports, require and module are provided as the wrapping function’s arguments. That’s why those variables appear to be global.

34. How can a module be both requirable by other modules and executable directly using the node command?

The docs explain it perfectly:

When a file is run directly from Node.js, require.main is set to its module. That means that it is possible to determine whether a file has been run directly by testing require.main === module.

In the following example, command.js is requireable and executeable directly from the terminal:

// file: command.js

function execute(caller) {
  console.log('Called by:', caller)

module.exports = {

if (require.main === module) {
// file: main.js

const command = require('./command')

$ node command.js
Called by: node
$ node main.js
Called by: main

35. What’s an example of a built-in stream in Node that is both readable and writable?

A Duplex stream is a stream that implements both the Readable and Writable streams. You can listen and emit events from duplex streams.

An example of a duplex stream is the ‘net.Socket’.

36. What’s the difference between using event emitters and using simple callback functions to allow for asynchronous handling of code?

Emitting events is usually a more flexible way of dealing with asynchrony in your program. Of course that comes with a cost of higher complexity.

Here are some technical Event-Emitter characteristics:

The main difference between the two approaches is architectural.

Event emitters are a tool by which we can achieve a higher level of architectural decoupling.

Here’s a legendary video on Event-Driven Architecture:

37. The require function always caches the module it requires. What can you do if you need to execute the code in a required module many times?

Let’s create 2 files:

$ touch main.js accumulator.js

The accumulator will hold a sum, increment and log it.

// accumulator.js
let sum = 0
sum = sum + 1
module.exports = sum

In the main file let’s require our accumulator module 3 times:

// main.js
const sum1 = require('./accumulator')
const sum2 = require('./accumulator')
const sum3 = require('./accumulator')

/* Output:

By now, we know that CommonJS modules behave like singletons (because of the module cache) and therefore the source code in accumulator.js will be executed only once.

One way to execute the entire module code every time the module is required is by using wrapping the code that needs to be executed every time with a function.

Let’s modify the files:

// accumulator.js
let sum = 0
-sum = sum + 1
-module.exports = sum
+module.exports = () => {
+  sum = sum + 1
+  return sum
// main.js
-const sum1 = require('./accumulator')
-const sum2 = require('./accumulator')
-const sum3 = require('./accumulator')
+const sum1 = require('./accumulator')()
+const sum2 = require('./accumulator')()
+const sum3 = require('./accumulator')()

/* Output:

38. What’s the difference between the Paused and the Flowing modes of readable streams?

All readable streams are in Paused mode by default. Attaching a 'data' event listener switches the stream to Flowing mode.

Flowing mode can also be activated manually by executing stream.resume() but if there are no 'data' listeners attached at that moment, the incoming data will be lost.

The author of these 40 Node.js questions has written a great article about Node.js streams:

Node.js Streams: Everything you need to know

When a readable stream is in the paused mode, we can use the read() method to read from the stream on demand, however, for a readable stream in the flowing mode, the data is continuously flowing and we have to listen to events to consume it.

39. What does the –inspect argument do for the node command?

As we have seen before, the --inspect flag enables the Inspector Agent which makes the Node.js process listen for a debugging client.

40. When working with streams, when do you use the pipe function and when do you use events? Can those two methods be combined?

We usually use pipe in order to “pipe” the data into writable streams. It’s a really clean and simple technique. We use events in order to react to every stream event, when that is necessary.

pipes and events can be freely combined.