Dimi Tech

Games/Math/Physics Experiments:

Top-Down Retro 2D Game Engine

Demo / Source

Retro, 2D, top-down shooter game engine. There’s some pretty interesting math going on.

W, A, S, D to move, mouse/trackpad to aim & shoot.

Simple Video Game Inventory System

Demo / Source

W, A, S, D to move, I to toggle Inventory, R to sort the Inventory & Mouse to drag and drop Items.

Doom Menu

Demo / Source

Browser implementation of a game menu that I saw on YouTube.

Just thought it would be fun to create it with pure CSS/HTML.

Windows JS

Demo / Source

A simple windowing experiment library created just for fun… might come in handy one day, who knows.

Browser Potentiometer

Demo1 / Demo2 / Source

Pots for the web inspired by VST plugins and DAWs.

Fluid Simulation

Demo / Source

An old fluid simulation experiment. Could be fun to play with I guess…


Demo / Source

A small 2 player game I wrote while doing some boring maintanance on the main computer.

Player 1 Controls:

Thrust     = Up Arrow Key
Turn Right = Right Arrow Key
Turn Left  = Left Arrow Key
Fire       = Shift

Player 2 Controls:

Thrust     = "W" Key
Turn Right = "D" Key
Turn Left  = "A" Key
Fire       = "F" Key

General Controls:

Pause = Esc