Dimi Tech

My Problems with JavaScript Promises

16 Jul 2018

I don’t particularly fancy JavaScript’s Promises. Here are some of the problems I have with using them as well as solutions to those problems which you can use to write better asynchronous code, today!

Problem 1: You can’t access the lexical scope of Promise callbacks

Promises are not really great for long-running chains of inter-dependent async operations. By inter-dependent I mean some async calls needing the return values of some of the previous async calls in order to perform their job.

One of the ugly patterns that emerge when dealing with this is - declaring variables in the surrounding scope, above the promise chain itself, so that you can assign return values to them and use them down the Promise chain.


Let’s say that you are working in a microservice-ridden architecture and that you need to juggle multiple services in order to process an order.

This problem doesn’t only come up when working with services, it crops up all the time in bigger Promise chains.

For this example, let’s keep it really simple and say you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Get the particular user’s data
  2. Get details on items in that user’s shopping cart
  3. Create an order

Ignore the code style and “architectural decisions” in this post, the code serves to illustrate an example.

function createOrder(userId) {
  let userData

  return UserService.getUserData(userId)
    .then(fullUserData => {
      userData = fullUserData
      return ItemService.getItemsFromCart(userData.cart)
    .then(cartItems => OrderService.createOrder(userData, cartItems))


As you can see, the OrderService.createOrder() function needs both the user data and shopping cart items in order to be executed.

The common solution to this problem is to declare a variable outside (above) the Promise chain and store the intermediary user data in it when it arrives from the UserService.

This obviously produces unnecessary boilerplate and mental overhead.

Another problem with this approach is - you have to come up with different names for the variable outside the promise chain and the variable that’s returned from the UserService in order to be able to assign a value to the outside variable.

All in all - it’s just ugly. All the parenthesis, curly braces and excess characters are just bogging down the reader. And I’ve tried to use syntactic sugar and shorthand notation as much as possible.

Also keep in mind that this is an extremely simple example. IRL, you will very often face promise chains that have 5, 10 and more links in the chain (I’m sticking with the chain metaphor). This means we’re going to have multiple pre-declared variables in the outer scope, as well as a big, ugly chain.

Unnecessary mental overhead is harmful, no matter how insignificant it might seem at the moment. Keep code simple, clean and lean!

Solution: async/await

Luckily you don’t have to use bare Promises anymore - async/await to the rescue:

async function createOrder(userId) {
  try {
    const userData  = await UserService.getUserData(userId)
    const cartItems = await ItemService.getItemsFromCart(userData.cart)
    await OrderService.createOrder(userData, cartItems)
  } catch (e) {


Even at first glance, the async/await example is more readable and fits better in the reader’s mind. Boilerplate is minimal and all the variables are at the same scope level.

For projects based on Redux - redux-saga offers a great Generator based alternative as well. Be aware that redux-saga is a library, which of course introduces additional learning, maintenance and project-size/performance overhead. It’s one of the best nonetheless.

Final advice:

Now, async/await is based on Promises and that means that you cannot (and should not) avoid Promises completely. Promises expose the extremely useful all() and race() utilities, while async/await cleans up the long-running sequences of inter-dependent async calls.

One very important thing to do is abstract the Promise details away from the async/await code.

async/await is used to express higher-level tasks, Promises are used for the plumbing underneath

This is not a hard and fast rule though, as with many things in programming. Use good judgement and create the proper level of abstraction for your specific situation.

Problem 2: Promises are not cancellable


Let’s say that we are (1) requesting some raw data (maybe by interacting with hardware), then we need to (2) decode and process that data, and lastly, (3) show it on the screen of some user facing interface.

The flow goes like this:

  1. Fetch raw data (this operation is asynchronous and takes some time, around 1000ms let’s say)
  2. Decode data (this is synchronous and blocking)
  3. Present the decoded data on the screen

In code it could look something like this:

fetchRawData() // Takes ~1000ms to resolve
  .then(buffer => decode(buffer))
  .then(decoded => showOnScreen(decoded))

Now, what would happen if the user navigated to another screen before fetchRawData() returned? The user doesn’t care about the previous screen or it’s data anymore!

Most likely - an error would be thrown since you don’t have a place to display the data anymore. References to the GUI components from the previous screen are now gone.

This is obviously annoying for a couple of reasons:

Depending on your specific use case the annoyances of not being able to cancel a promise chain might be more or less severe.


One ugly solution would be to create a flag and use it to indicate whether the promise chain should continue executing or not:

const p = fetchRawData() // Takes ~1000ms to resolve
  .then(buffer => {
    if (p.isCancelled) return Promise.reject()
    return decode(buffer)
  .then(decoded => {
    if (p.isCancelled) return Promise.reject()
    return showOnScreen(decoded)
  .catch(e => {
    if (p.isCancelled) {
    else {

setTimeout(() => {
  p.isCancelled = true
}, 500)

First we saved a reference to the promise chain in the variable p. For the cancellation token we use a boolean property on the promise chain reference - p.isCancelled.

We will simulate the user interaction by “cancelling” the promise chain after 500ms, which means that fetchRawData() has not resolved at that point in time.

This solution forces us to check for the p.isCancelled token in every .then() closure.

Pretty rough and contrived, but does the job moderately well.

Is there a better solution though?

The TC39 members were working on it but the Promise cancellation proposal was withdrawn since they could not reach a consensus.

Until we get language support for cancellation we will have to use an external async library to solve this problem.

For example, Bluebird’s promise cancellation is straight-forward and it also terminates network requests by default, which is a great bonus.

Using Bluebird the previous code would look like this:

const Promise = require('bluebird')

  cancellation: true

const p = fetchRawData() // Takes ~1000ms to resolve
  .then(buffer => decode(buffer))
  .then(decoded => showOnScreen(decoded))
  .finally(() => {
    if (p.isCancelled) {

setTimeout(() => p.cancel(), 500)

Way better!

Another possible solution would be to use Observables (for example - RxJS).
Observables support cancellation along with custom teardown logic you can add but they are a completely differnet way of dealing with asynchronous programming overall.

There are also other libraries can do the job but I would advise against buying into other people’s ideas and abstractions and sticking to something which looks like a natural extension of the JavaScript feature set or is a standard library used by millions of people.

Problem 3: Promises can’t handle events/streams of data

Promises are resolved only once, hence they have an inherent inability deal with events/streams of data. Since Promises are not designed for this use-case I can’t hold it against them. Nevertheless, let’s explore some solutions for events and streams.


First, and most obvious solution would be to simply go back to callback based event handling. But callbacks leave much to be desired.

If you are in a Node.js environment, you can use Node.js streams or events. If you are in the browser environment, you can use Streams API. If you have neither of those environments to leverage, you unfortunately have to use a 3rd party library.

A full-fledged, robust way to deal with events/streams would be to use the ubiquitous Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript - RxJS.

Eventually, ECMAScript standardization of Observables will (most likely) come and with the implementations that will follow you can make use of Observables directly in the language itself.

Final takeaways:

Promises have deficiencies that pretty much rule them out for solving certain kinds of problems.

By using new JavaScript language features and Async Programming libraries we can cover the use cases where Promises are not an ideal/viable choice.

Also, I would highly recommend exploring Reactive Programming and there is not a better place to start than here.

Angular developers might be more comfortable with RP and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) concepts but, if you are a React or a Node.js developer - give (F)RP a try, it will prove itself very useful in a large number of situations.