Dimi Tech

Picking the Right NPM Package

01 Jul 2019

NPM is the largest software registry in the world and right now (July 2019) it hosts over 1.000.000 software packages! While that looks great on paper the reality is that most of those packages are not high quality. Since there are so many to choose from - how do you pick the right one for your specific use case?

First things first - I want to strongly emphasize that I do not mean to be condescending or insensible to any NPM maintainer or contributor. We all have busy lives, and things can happen that can prevent anyone from maintaining their open-source projects. All I have to say is thank your for putting in your personal time, talent and effort in order to help others build software more efficiently!

That being said, here are the heuristics that I use when sifting through NPM packages:

  1. Search the NPM registry and the Web
  2. Popularity
  3. Maintenance
  4. Quality of documentation
  5. Does the package fit your specific use case?
  6. Evaluate the design choices
  7. Quality of the example project
  8. Security
  9. Contribute!

Btw, all of these points are valid for dependency management in any other software ecosystem besides JavaScript and NPM.

1) Search the NPM registry and the Web

In addition to searching the NPM registry, make sure to search the Web in general, using any of your favorite search engines (or many different ones if you’re struggling to find anything good).

When appropriate, try including names of packages that are your hard dependencies in the search query, e.g., react, express, hapi

2) Popularity

One of the first parameters by which I sort NPM packages is popularity, which is reflected in the number of weekly downloads as well as GitHub stars.

Popularity gives a certain degree of validation to the package. A lot of people using a package means that there is pressure to maintain it.

It’s more likely that a popular package will have better documentation, useful content in GitHub issues and more people willing to contribute.

Keep in mind that sometimes there are very high quality packages that are new and not popular at the moment. Popularity isn’t everything, but it’s a good place to start.

3) Maintenance

If you are building a serious project that will last for years, it’s crucial that your NPM dependencies are well maintained.

In terms of software packages, maintenance is the main thing that separates the wheat from the chaff.

The first indicator of maintenance are the releases. If the last version of the package was released more than 6 months ago that can be a sign that the project is abandoned. That can also mean that the package is in perfect shape and that there is no need to modify the code and make newer releases - which can sometimes be the case for very small utility packages.

The next thing I check is the build status. Builds are usually available on the project’s GitHub page. A failing build would be a giant red flag. Sometimes packages don’t even have CI or tests at all which is even more worrying.

Another big thing is the engagement around GitHub issues (or whatever issue tracking system the project uses). How do the maintainers/contributors respond to issues? Does anyone respond at all? Are the PRs merged or rejected quickly or just left hanging around? Can the maintainers be contacted easily - do they have their contact information readily available? In other words - does the project have good support?

So, when it comes to maintenance, I prefer packages with: frequent releases, passing builds/tests and healthy issue and PR resolution.

Additionally, you can use NPM to sort packages by maintanence and quality and those sort parameters are explained on the NPMS website as well as in NPM docs.

4) Quality of documentation

Although documentation is not extremely important, it can save you a LOT of time if a package has:

For me, a project that has its own website with documentation shows a high level of seriousness and dedication. Good, extensive documentation is extremely helpful when using packages with a large API surface area.

5) Does the package fit your specific use case?

By now the list of packages should be significantly narrowed down and the next thing to consider is - does the package fit your specific use case?.

Might seem obvious but many times packages have quirks and peculiarities that prevent you from using them conveniently - or even using them at all. Check the usage or getting started sections of the package documentation to see if solves your problem and if it fits your project. If the package is smaller you can also use NPM RunKit to try it out live.

Seamless integration with your project would be ideal, but don’t be afraid to write some glue code if the need arises.

6) Evaluate the design choices

Monolithic vs Modular

Some software packages try to do many things at once and end up having huge amounts of abstraction and loads of of internal terminology. These monolithic packages can take a lot of effort to learn and use but they can also be super convenient and time saving when they are exactly what you need.

Others are very small, focused and simple to integrate but don’t offer much magic. They typically don’t depend on many (or any) other packages themselves which is great for maintenance and security.

I personally follow the UNIX philosophy of simplicity and modularity and prefer small packages of excellent quality. That is also the Node.js way since Ryan Dahl is a UNIX guy himself and this can be seen throughout the Node.js project’s design choices.

Explore the tradeoffs when choosing between NPM packages and pick the one which serves your project the best.

Number of dependencies

NPM packages usually depend on a number of other NPM packages and that number can sometimes get pretty outrageous. I prefer packages with the least amount of dependencies since that usually brings greater flexibility, security, faster build times, smaller bundle sizes, easier maintenance etc. etc…

The fewer dependencies the package has - the better!

API Design

When reading through the documentation you can get a feeling for the design of the API that is offered. A lot can be concluded about the author’s style and skill level when looking at the API as well as the inner project structure.

In general, the API should be intuitive and elegant.

Other than that, go with what you like and prefer.

7) Quality of the example project

An example demo project can be extremely useful when trying out an NPM package. This is especially true for larger packages.

Often times the examples are not up to date, or they’re missing some minor thing which leaves them in a broken state. Demo projects can be tedious to maintain so don’t shy away from fixing them and submitting a PR.

8) Security

Security is critical for serious projects. If you’re working on an important project make sure to run regular security checks on your dependencies.

NPM is a inherently insecure platform but it started to offer some help since npm@6 with npm audit.

The npm audit command submits a description of the dependencies configured in your package to your default registry and asks for a report of known vulnerabilities.

npm audit automatically runs when you install a package with npm install.

It’s recommended to include npm audit in your CI pipeline and if your project is really, really important - consider integrating with third-party security solutions as well.

9) Contribute!

The last but not least - contribute!

If you can’t find a package that solves your problem - consider creating it yourself!

My feeling is that at least 99% of programmers (including myself) are not contributing enough. People take open-source (and free) software for granted and don’t want to think about the fact that there are other humans working hard on it for little or no gains at all.

I think that every mid to senior level programmer should contribute to their ecosystems of choice! This is a very bold statement but contribution is not only writing code or dedicating loads of your time to projects. There are many things that can be done to help others when dealing with software that don’t take much time at all. This is a separate topic in itself but here are a couple of ideas:

Fix/improve the example project

Often times the example demo projects have some small issues or a dependency or two missing from the declaration. This is literally a 1-minute fix that anyone can do. If you spot this in a package that you’re using just go ahead and make a PR.

Often times the demo can be improved by quickly adding a feature that you need for your use case. Submit a PR and share it with others as well, it takes 5 minutes.

Fix the tests

Tests can fail for a variety of different reasons, but sometimes the fix is really easy and cheap to do. If you see that the package that you’re using has failing tests - investigate and try to fix them if it’s a minor thing.

GitHub Issues

If you’re feeling confused or have a question or a problem with a package that you’re using - feel free to open a GitHub issue. Not only that you can get help this way, everybody else will be able to get value from it after the fact.


There is a small error or a type-o in the documentation? Fix it and submit a PR, everyone will appreciate it.

In only a couple of minutes you can donate money and support the maintainers of your favorite software projects. Donating takes almost no time and effort and can mean a lot to the maintainers.


If you’re using “social media” - mention a great software package that helped you out so that others can know about it. It only takes a couple of seconds and can mean a lot to the authors.


By following the points given above you should be able to effectively filter NPM packages and find exactly what you need. In the case that you don’t find what you need consider authoring and publishing a software package of your own. I will gladly do a code-review, feel free to hit me up at: dusan_dimitric@yahoo.com.

Until next time!